Name: Elodie Mollet
Position: Designee for World Moo Duk Kwan®
Dan Bon: 38935
Postal: 98 avenue Pasteur 93260 Les Lilas
Mobile: +33 6 86 71 2272
Country: France
Started Soo Bahk Do in October 1995 in Paris, France with Choi Eui-Sun, dan bon 19203.
Cho dan test in Belgium, March 2000.
Ko Dan Ja shimsa in Kyongju (Korea) in October 2010 for Sa dan and Sa bom.
Promoted O dan in October 2016 (Youth Leader symposium, Korea).
National Instructor certification (BEES1) in 2006.
Designee for World Moo Duk Kwan® since 2008.
Charter member of France Soo Bahk Do® Federation in 2011, TAC for France since 2013.
Active dojangs in France : 3