Puerto Rico Update: World Moo Duk Kwan Designee named by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
After the resignation of Oscar Rosado, Sa bom Nim as designee for Puerto Rico, Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang named Master Jim Class, Sa Dan, Dan Bon #35373, as the new World Moo Duk Kwan Designee for the Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do. Master Class was also voted in as the current President of the Association in Puerto Rico. This information was updated effective Dec 2017. Below is Master Class' contact information. The Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan is also visible of Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/puertoricomdk/
Currently Jim Class is an O dan and certified Sa Bom under the guidance of his instructor Rodrigo Cruz, Sa Bom Nim, from Region 4 USA, who is a TAC representative and a regional examiner.
Name: Jim Class (O Dan) also current President Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do
Position: World Moo Duk Kwan® Designee
Dan Bon: #35373
Email: jimcsbd@yahoo.com
Mobile: 787-565-2110
Country: Puerto Rico
Director at Mi Tumbao, Owner at Jimboró Moo Duk Kwan Self Defense and President (title) at Cáncamo Music inc.
Lives in Carolina, Puerto Rico

Name: Jim Class (O Dan) also current President Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do
Position: World Moo Duk Kwan® Designee
Dan Bon: #35373
Email: jimcsbd@yahoo.com
Mobile: 787-565-2110
Country: Puerto Rico
Oscar Rosado, Sa Bom Nim has notified the Kwan Jang Nim of his decision to resign his position as the Designee for Puerto Rico, effective immediately. We would like to thank Rosado Sa Bom Nim for his dedication and loyalty during all his years of service to the World Moo Duk Kwan and to the P.R. MDK family. Rosado Sa Bom Nim will continue teaching a few students and participate in a non administrative position to support the P.R. MDK family. The Designee position is currently vacant.
Sincere thanks to Oscar Rosado Sa bom Nim, we wish him continued success.
Below is a recent update from the Puerto Rico Designee, Master Oscar Rosado. Just to provide some history, the Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan has been in existence since 1978, when Mr. Francisco Nieves, Mr. Teddy Mendez and Kyo Sa Nim Richard Morales started training on the island. Kyo Sa Nim Morales made contact with H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim to join the World Moo Duk Kwan and get evaluated for membership.
In 1990, in the US Federation Newsletter, William Diaz, Jr., Sa Bom Nim, featured the Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan in our newsletter and had personally visited the island to support the membership. Despite government intervention, legal obstacles and financial difficulties, the Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan was reorganized in the 1990's under the leadership of Pedro Vangas, Jr., Sa bom Nim, who eventually left the World Moo Duk Kwan.
In 1991, Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, Frank Bonsignore, Sa bom Nim, and myself visited the island and were hosted by Vangas Sa Bom Nim, and Mr. Jaime Lazu, where they participated in training and evaluations conducted by the Kwan Jang Nim (at the time, Chairman of the TAC).
However, the current Designee, Oscar Rosado, along with very loyal Moo Duk Kwan practitioners, Mr. Jaime Lazu and his son, Abimael, continued to give the Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan renewed life and vision to continue training under the guidance of the Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.
In 1995 and in 2005, the Puerto Rican Delegation to the Moo Duk Kwan Anniversary events in Seoul, Korea, represented themselves with outstanding demonstrations before the Founder, and our current Kwan Jang Nim. In 2011, Designee Master Rosado attended the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa in Ramona, California and went back to bring new life into the Moo Duk Kwan membership on the island.
That's over 35 years of loyal participation and membership with the World Moo Duk Kwan! There is a rich heritage on the island of Puerto Rico, if you ever have the opportunity to visit the island, don't leave without meeting Master Rosado and the loyal membership of the World Moo Duk Kwan. Below is a photo and their seasons greetings from their core of instructors and the Designee... SOO BAHK!

In 2012, I had the opportunity to visit with Sa Bom Nim Seiberlich, and his students. He is a very good person, and the Moo Duk Kwan® that I observed in Minnesota, was the same Moo Duk Kwan®, that I learned in Puerto Rico. This, made me feel like I was at home.
In Puerto Rico, the Kyo Sa Nims, are preparing for the Ko Dan Ja 2013, in California.
I am waiting for instructions from Sa Bom Nim Nelson, so he can travel to Puerto Rico to review the men (Kyo Sa Nims) before they travel to California, to participate in the Ko Dan Ja.