Kostos Papdopoulos, Sa Bom Nim, 21542

Name: Kostas Papadopoulos          

Position: World Moo Duk Kwan®Designee

Dan Bon:  21542

Kostas Papadopulos, Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon #21542, Sa Bom is an internationally certified Master level practitioner and master level Instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® schools worldwide.

Email: sbdcrete@hotmail.com

Postal: PO Box 79  L. Hersonisos (post code) 70014  Heraklion- Crete /Greece

Mobile: 0030 6944542624 (Mob. ) Home 0030 2897024325

Country: Greece

Website: Greece Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan®Website


I started in the MDK on the 10-01-1977, in Glyfada (area of Athens) at the age of 16 then. A friend of the family introduced me to the Do Jang (Tang Soo Do) at that time as I was looking to join a Karate school. The friend was already a Red belt member so that was my first contact with TSD-SBD.

Since then I have been training and following all the activities here in Greece and in Europe. I had a break off from teaching and training for about 8-9 years due to work priorities that had to be done.

I earned my Cho Dan on the 20-03-1980 in the 65th classing championship of Tang Soo Do. In 1984 after my 2 year military service I tested for Ee Dan and in 1989 for Sam Dan. My Instructor at the time was Lee Khun Hwa Yuk Dan with Dan bon 8321.

In 2003 I tested in the 1st KDJ in Europe on Agistri island in Greece for Sa Dan and earned my O Dan on 10-05-2010 in the 125th Dan classing.

I opened my first Do Jang on the island of Syros in 1984 and stayed there for 3 years. I left at the end of 1986 to go to the island of Crete and since 1987 I have been living on Crete. I opened my second Do Jang in Crete in 1998 and since then I have been teaching on a regular basis. Soo Bahk Do in one way for me is a full time job during the 7 months of the year and the rest of the 5 months it goes parallel with my summer job which is a Scuba Diving Center which I run here in Crete.

One of the highlights as a member of the Moo Duk kwan is the Organization of the 1st in Europe Symposium in 2006 in Crete-Greece.

In the beginning of this year 2013 I have been appointed as TAC chair in the Greek SBDMDK federation and Designee for Greece.

The current active Dojangs in my country are 12 with another 2 opening by the end of the year.

My original MDK instructor was GEORGE R.PAGE SBN  with Dan Bon 11772.

Biography: Kostas Papadopoulos (21542) > Geroge Page (11772) > Chun Sik Kim

(2457) > Song Ki Kim (539) > Founder Hwang Kee

Accomplishments: Founding member of the Greek Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

