Leonie M. Broman, Sa Bom Nim, 33219

Name: Leonie M Broman

Position: World Moo Duk Kwan® Designee (Deputy Position)

Dan Bon: 33219

Leonie M. Broman, Sa Bom Nim, Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon #33219,  Sa Bom is an internationally certified Master level practitioner and master level Instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® schools worldwide.

Email: leoniebroman@gmail.com

Postal: 14A Fraser St Ormond VIC 3204 Australia

Mobile: (code for Aus) 0421604612

Country: Australia

Biography: Commenced training January 1988 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Achieved Cho Dan 1994.  Attended South East Asia Leadership Seminars from 1997 to current.  Participated in WMDK® 55th and 60th Anniversaries Korea.  Tested for Sa Dan/Sa Bom KDJSS 2004 Mobile, Alabama US.  Appointed dual Designee Australia 2006, appointed ASBDMDK TAC member.  Tested O Dan 2009 KDJSS Korea.  Relocated to Melbourne, Australia December 2006 and remain actively involved with ASBDMDK and WMDK®. 

There are currently 13 active dojangs in Australia.
Contact the Australian Federation effective 1 June 2016 at

PO Box 285


ACT       2615


Official website:
My original MDK® Instructor is Master Chris Austin Dan Bon 22519, Darwin Australia.