Buenos Dias! Ésta es la nueva directiva de PRMDK Jim Class (4Dan) 35373 Presidente Jaime Lazú (3Dan WMDK) (4dan TSD) 31628 Vice Presidente Abimael Lazú (3Dan) 34122 Tesorero René Rios (1Dan) 49524 Secretario Edith Medina (1Dan) 49525 Sub Secretaria.

Good morning! This is the new directive PRMDK Jim Class (4Dan) 35373 President Jaime Lazu (3Dan WMDK) (4dan TSD) 31628 Vice President Abimael Lazu (3Dan) 34122 Treasurer René Rios (1Dan) 49524 Secretary Edith Medina (1Dan) 49525 Sub Secretary.
Since 1997 PR has been a separate organization from the US Federation, and as we continue to solidify our base, we will continue to mirror the US Federation as a model for us to further develop the Moo Duk Kwan in Puerto Rico. Many thanks to Jaime Lazu, 31628, who has since 1997 helped legally establish the Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan.
Oscar Rosado, Sa bom Nim 35372, continues to be the designee for the WMDK in Puerto Rico, and continues to support the membership and leadership in the PRMDK.
Just recently four members of the PRMDK received their Jo Kyo certificates from the Kwan Jang Nim and presented to them by Rosado SBN at the meeting of the PRMDK TAC.
As Puerto Rico continues to grow, they continue to receive support from the members of the WMDK members from around the world, such as Seiberlich SBN, Chairmen of the WMDK , Nelson SBN, USA TAC, Cruz SBN. Region 4 USA.

The PR MDK sponsored the 2014 WORLD MOO DUK KWAN SYMPOSIUM, in SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO , 6 – 9 November 2014, hosted by the PRMDK and Oscar Rosado, Sa Bom Nim, Designee.
We continued to wish the membership in Puerto Rico continued success in their pursuit of Moo Do.
Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Region 2