Submit Your Photo
Korea Ko Dan Ja Candidates please submit a nice passport style photo.

Before uploading be sure to name your photo file with the real name of the person in the photo or we may not know whose photo you submitted.

[ajax_multi_upload startOn='auto' 'true' afterUpload='image' fileExt='jpg,jpeg,png,gif' fileDesc='Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif)' allowRemove='true' maxSize='204800']

Your photo upload begins automatically as soon as you select one from your computer.  When your upload is completed, then your photo will display directly under the SELECT FILES button, but you must refresh the page in your browser in order for your photo to appear in the album below.  Your name will not display below your photo (or when you hover over it) until an admin manually adds it.

Korea Attendees Who Have Submitted Photos (random order)

Hover over a photo to display name and country
