28 August 2014
World Moo Duk Kwan Designees,
We hope this message finds you well.
The WMDK is a member organization that was created under the direction of the Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, Hwang Kee, to provide instruction, certification and standardization of the Art of Soo Bahk Do and to actualize his Moo Do Philosophy.
Under the guidance of Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, the Designees to the WMDK Symposium have both the opportunity and the responsibility to thoughtfully steward the WMDK and preserve and promote its unique History, Traditions, Philosophy and Technique for future generations.
The Designees represent their membership, they focus their leadership skills on the needs of their Organization and thus, their Art. The Symposium is an opportunity for the Designees to work together for the benefit of all of the WMDK members.
It is especially important, as we plan for the 70th celebration in Seoul Korea next year, to provide positive input to this year’s Symposium by focusing on optimizing the potential of the 70th Celebration.
• 70th Anniversary Celebration and Symposium
• Moo Do value based Sparring competition (including physical competition scenarios)
• IP – status from each country
• Youth Leadership Program updates from each country and ideas to be shared between countries (PVTII)
• Encouraging the building of the SBD Institute into a worldwide learning resource (participation from each country)
• Translation of standardized Jo Kyo, Kyo Sa and Sa Bom kits to all applicable languages – status from each country
• WMDK membership status (payment of License fee)
• Future Symposia
• New business
Please submit to me by 15 September 2014, all Agenda Items that you want considered at the Symposium, for their inclusion in the Final Agenda. Thank you for your commitment to, and support of, the WMDK.
Respectfully submitted,