World Moo Duk Kwan Heritage Program Announcement
Moo Duk Kwan President, H.C. Hwang Recognizes 14 Early Moo Duk Kwan Pioneers

World Moo Duk Kwan Heritage Program Announcement.

Moo Duk Kwan President, H.C. Hwang Recognizes Early Moo Duk Kwan Pioneers


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2019 New Year Greeting
From H.C. Hwang

An Nyong Ha Sip Ni Ka? My family and I wish you the best during the holiday season and Happy and prosperous New Year! 2018 was a busy year with many annual events worldwide as well as the Moo Duk Kwan® 50th-anniversary celebration in Greece. World Moo Duk Kwan TAC members were appointed from each WMDK Zone in order to serve the Art and memberships worldwide.  They are Dong Kyu Lee Sa Bom, Zone 1 (Asia Pacific zone), Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom, Zone 2 (North America zone), Diego Salinas Sa Bom, Zone 3 (Europe Zone), and Ramiro Guzman Sa Bom, Zone 4 (South America zone).