If you run across this logo above or the the phrase - Women in the World Moo Duk Kwan, STOP... click on that link and go to their Facebook Media site. There you will find detailed announcements, individual profiles, upcoming training events or recent past events, that are dedicated to female practitioners who are in the World Moo Duk Kwan. As you can see from this logo above, it includes Women in the Heritage Program.
There have been already several training programs conducted by WMDK Instructors as well as other instructors from various Tang Soo Do organizations. In fact, there is a program tomorrow (June 19th) in the Hudson Valley, in the Town of Milton, NY.
Below are some examples of the recent events:
Liza Kozak, Sa Bom Nim, USA TAC, hosting a zoom seminar for the Women of the World Moo Duk Kwan Heritage Program.
Leclerc's Martial Arts School conducting a Zoom Seminar from their School location in Hyde Park, NY via Zoom.

Mélodie Olé, Sa Bom Nim, Designee and TAC member from France, working with a breakout group during a Zoom Seminar.
Connecting with members from around the world.
Esmeralda Salinas, Sa Bom Nim, Mexico Federation and Anthony Guzman, Sa bom Nim conducting a Pyong Ahn seminar, as part of the II Kwan Seong session.
Elizabeth Mora, Sa Bom Nim, also instructing during their hosted seminar from Mexico.
Upcoming Zoom Seminar:
If you are interested in participating or hosting an event, please use the links at the beginning of this article to contact those administrators who can help you get involved. Join the World Moo Duk Kwan Heritage Program to find out how you can participate in these educational seminars. Or send an email to: info@wmdkheritage.org
One Moo Duk Kwan