Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Cancelled For October 15-21, 2021

Dear Members,

I hope you and your family are doing well.

The World Moo Duk Kwan® and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association have agreed to cancel the 2021 Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa that was scheduled October 15-21.

This action is being taken due to uncertainty about the global pandemic situation and for member safety.

There are still virtual training/meeting activities scheduled by WMDK for TAC and other leadership.

Please check these scheduled meetings and I hope to see you then.

Additonal virtual events and training sessions are also scheduled for members to partake in.

We are fortunate to have these technologies available to be able enjoy our connection.

In 2021, the only Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa still planned is the U.S. Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa scheduled November 5-12, 2021 in Orlando Florida, U.S.A.

I wish you and your loved ones well.  I miss to see you all.

In Moo Duk Kwan,

HC Hwang


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"Shipley Sa Bom Nim was a special friend of mine since I met him in 1965. He spoke, wrote and understood the Korean culture more than native Koreans in some areas.  He is great part of our living history of the Art and loyal to the Moo Duk Kwan by his actions. He will be truly missed by children, young men and women, and all ages worldwide." -- H.C. Hwang