March 31st/ April 1st 2017 Region 5, USA hosted it’s annual Regional Championship and Dan Shim Sa. The event was held at the Pheasant Run resort in St Charles, Il. Members and studios from Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin attended the event.
There were 130 competitors and 200 family members in attendance for the two day event. The event consisted of Friday afternoon clinics by Sa Bom Nim’s Josh Lockwood, Christy Cooper, Michael Zichafoose, Carl Vonck, Kenny Swaffer and Ron Strong for Gups, children and adults, Dan’s, Ko Dan Ja, and Ko Dan Ja candidates.
Following the clinics the 139th Dan Shim Sa was held, and then the Ko Dan Ja / Dan competition. Saturday events included, Ko Dan Ja demonstrations and Moo Do Ja She Sparring by Ko Dan Ja members. The children Gup competition followed, and the adults members. The competition day ended with the Studio team event.
This event developed in Region 5 allow the studios to select members from each studio to complete in three categories. Junior Team ages 4-6 yrs, Gup Teams, and Dan Teams. This is a well attended part of the day with everyone supporting the spirit of the event.
The weekend ended with a dinner and celebration with all members to connect with each other. The event was ahead of schedule on Saturday by 1 ½ hours and allowed additional clinics to be held by the guest Sa Bom’s. This years event was attended by two special guest’s, Sa Bom Nim Frank Bonsignore, Hu Kyun In and Charter Member and Sa Bom Nim Cort Stinehour, Region 2, Regional Examiner. Both held clinics for Dan and Ko Dan Ja members.
Twenty-two (22) Ko Dan Ja members attended the event to support the membership and conduct clinics for all levels.
Ko Dan Ja in attendance:
SBN Russ Hanke, SAC, Charter Member
SBN Frank Bonsignore, Hu Kyun In, Charter Member
SBN Wilton Bennett Jr., Hu Kyun In
SBN George Manns
SBM Lisa Kozak, TAC
SBN Steven Lemner, Regional PVT Chairman
SBN Josh Lockwood, TAC
SBN Michael Zickafoose, Regional Examiner, region 5
SBN Christy Cooper, Regional Examiner, region 5
SBN Cort Stinehour, Regional Examiner, region 2
SBN Ron Strong, Federation Board Chairman
SBN Carl Vonck
SBN Andrew Cotsones, Regional merchandise manager
SBN David Cooper, Regional Treasure
SBN Orlando Antongiogi
SBN Matthew Kulma
SBN Joey LaJoice,
SBN Jennifer Resler
Master Fred Vanke
Master Kenny Swaffer
Master James Johnson
Master James Patuc
In special attendance, below