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Kyo Sa
3 posts
Dan Training and Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa Seminar European SBD MDK Federation
Dan training, Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa seminar, Switzerland, Wald August 25-27th Welcome to every Dans, instructors and future instructors! Registration and contact on the poster. Respectfully submitted, for the European Soo Bahk Do Federation Roberto Bonefont, Sr. WMDK Contributor (more…)… Read more “Dan Training and Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa Seminar European SBD MDK Federation”
USA Region 2 Launches Leadership Initiative ALPHA
USA Launches Regional Alpha Team Initiative
R2 ALPHA Team members will be provided with opportunities to train quarterly with R2 Senior Ko Dan Ja in special high level training sessions. During these advanced learning sessions, Senior Ko Dan Ja will share valuable personal training experiences, teaching methodology and other information geared for high achievers.