With the National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29, 2021, and the 50th anniversary, the highlighted Moo Duk Kwan Practitioners was based on the criteria for Vietnam-Era Veterans who served from Nov 1, 1955 - May 7, 1975. We may have inadvertently left out some practitioners that we were not aware of. But note that we fully want to recognize their service and sacrifice during the Vietnam-Era. If you are aware of a MDK member who served during this time period, please forward that information and I will gladly update this page to include them. Thank You.

On behalf of the World Moo Duk Kwan and my fellow Veterans in the U.S. who found the path to the Moo Duk Kwan, thank you all for your service and sacrifice to our Nation and to the Moo Duk Kwan.
While you served your country, you also helped to spread the art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan everywhere you were stationed. Through your action and service, the Moo Duk Kwan is forever grateful. We salute you.
The Moo Duk Kwan and the U.S. Military have a long historical relationship with the Korean Tang Soo (Soo Bahk Do) Association and the U.S. Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo Do) Moo Duk Kwan Federation. The U.S. SBDMDK Federation sustains that relationship with complimentary memberships for all active duty military personnel. Click on the link below:
After serving in Korea, these Military personnel brought what they had achieved in their training to the United States. Most of them, like Dale Drouillard, Sa bom Nim, the first American (military) to achieve Cho Dan in the Moo Duk Kwan system. Earned his Cho Dan in 1957 while in the US Army. He returned to his home in Michigan in 1960 and open a club in the downriver Detroit City of Wyandotte at the local YMCA. His club was the first established Moo Duk Kwan in the United States. He is still active.
Thompson Sa Bom Nim served as a Sergeant in the US Air Force while serving in South Korea. He was involved in an international demonstration that involved the US, China, and South Korea.
Seiberlich Sa bom Nim served in the US Army in the USA Military Police Corps, and served as a Protective Escort for various US Army and Foreign personnel. He was ordered to take the martial art of Judo by his commander, to enhance his Military Police Protection skills, and ended up finding Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan instead. After his service, he continued his career in Criminal Justice as a Professor.
John Butterwick was a commissioned officer in the US Air Force, and served in South Korea. Col Butterwick and Mr. Carlos (Chuck) Norris are seen in the picture below.
Robert Cheezic (2278)
Recently he was honored by the World Moo Duk Kwan as a early MDK Pioneer in the United States. It is with great sadness the family of Robert Allen Cheezic announces his passing on Sunday, January 17, 2021, surrounded by his loving family. He was born on January 2, 1939, in Pittston, Pennsylvania. Robert A. Cheezic earned his Black Belt, Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do # 2278, in Korea in 1960. Among the first Americans to earn black belt distinctions in Korea, his classmates included Bob Thompson and actor Carlos (Chuck) Norris, with whom he remained friends. Master Jae Chul Shin took him in as a student.
Carlos (Chuck) Norris was a Security Policeman in the US Air Force, and his instructor was Jae Chul Shin, Sa Bom Nim, while stationed in South Korea. Upon returning to the US, he opened his Do Jang in Torrance, California, and of course went on to become a Hollywood Action Star. Above, Sergeant Carlos Norris presenting an honorary Cho Dan to 15th Air Force Commander at March Air Force Base, California.
Other members who served in the United States Military
Hanke Sa Bom Nim was in the army when he was 18 and they made him a tank driver, he stated, "that was interesting." When he was out of the army in 1960, he was 20 years old and the only thing he knew about martial arts back then, was in the men’s magazines or there might be some articles about judo. His first Tang Soo Do Instructor was Dale Drouillard #757 in the Detroit, Michigan area. Russ Hanke, Sa Bom Nim, SAC, TAC, and Charter Member of the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation.
Robert Shipley, Sa Bom Nim, served in the Air Force and stationed in the Republic of Korea. He taught Tang Soo Do in Hawaii, then moved to Washington State and taught for many years. Eventually moved to Italy to support his wife's government position. Robert Shipley, III was involved in the formation of the US SBDMDK Federation, and was a Charter Member of the Federation and appointed Hu Kyun In.
Master Beaudoin (Below) was a former member of the Moo Duk Kwan and received his Dan #5661 from the Moo Duk Kwan’s founder, (Kwan Jahng Nim Hwang Kee) while serving in the Air Force and stationed at Osan AB, South Korea. His official instructor on record is Master Jae Chul Shin.
Benjamin Cortese Sa Bom Nim (11689) 
Cortese Sa Bom Nim served in the US Air Force and served in South Korea at Kunsan AB. He is a Charter member and a wearer of the Gold US MDK Patch, for attending the 1975 Charter Convention held at the JFK Hilton in New York.
George Page (11772)
Began his military service with the US Air Force in 1956 and served his country for 20 years in the US, Italy, Korea, Greece, and Vietnam. Sa Bom Nim Page was considered the Father of Tang Soo Do in Athens, Greece. He retired from the Air Force in 1976.
Master Roberto Bonefont, Sr., (above) tested for his Cho Dan in June of 1969, his instructor of record are, Mr Michael Masley, 10180, Mr. Robert Sohn, #6037, US Army Veteran and Mr Vincent Nunno, #7291, US Army Veteran. Master Bonefont has served during the Vietnam-Era and in two Foreign Wars during his 22 year US Air Force military career, as a Security Forces/Police.
John Dellapia (14363)
James Donnelly (14436)
James Donnelly Sa Bom nim, served in the US Army and after his discharged, served as a Firefighter with the Los Angles County Fire Department in California. He was an original student of Master Carlos (Chuck) Norris in Torrance, California.
Below Grand Opening of Hampton Roads Karate, in Chesapeake, Virginia with invited guests and students
Frank Bonsignore Sa Bom Nim, #15805, enlisted in the Air Force and was stationed at Osan AB in the Republic of Korea, he served honorably as a USAF Security Policeman. His original instructor at Osan AB was C.S. Kim, Sa Bom Nim. He attended the 1975 Charter Convention in New York, and as such, wears the Gold US MDK patch, designated as a Charter Member, a Hu Kyun In designee, has held several US Federation positions.
Russell Colston, Sa Bom Nim, also served in the United States Air Force for 26 years, and was assigned to the Republic of Korea.
Louis (Doc) Barrier (50298)
Chief Petty Officer Barrier in 1966

A Vietnam Veteran practitioner. Louis (Doc) Barrier served from 1965-69 with the third marines. He also served in Korea with 1st Maine Division. His Dan Bon is 50298. He lives and trains in Wenatchee, WA. He works with many of the younger students. He started training as a young man and came back to it in his later years Mr. Barrier started training at age 60 in 1989. - achieving his First Dan rank in roughly 2016. Doc is the name he earned as a Marine Corpsman. He had two Medical Specialties: 8402 and 8432 preventative medicine.