Region 2 has Sunday Brunch with Kwan Jang Nim to honor him on his Birthday.
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Ending a day of learning.

Today (March 6, 2022), Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang was honored by some of his life long students and practitioners at a small Sunday Brunch to help celebrate his 75th Birthday.  Small, but well attended by members of Region 2, present and former students of the Kwan Jang Nim at the Springfield and Mountain Ave. Dojangs.  Kwan Jang Nim addressed this gathering with a short but meaningful statement about the meaning of "Connection."

Seated left to right: N. Davino SBN, J. Poppo SBN, Y. Seo SBN, H.C. Hwang KJN, F. Bonsignore SBN, R. Bonefont Sr, KBN, D. Mullin SBN, Standing Right to Left: Mrs. K. Poppo SBN, Mr. Scott Leonard, J. Kim SBN, M. White SBN, R. Blake KBN, L. Graham KBN, J. Juliano SBN, C. Stinehour SBN, MK. Stinehour SBN, R. Blake KBN, L. Legregin SBN, Mrs. Legregin, L. Chu SBN, P. Del Sordo SBN, E. Orella, SBN.


Two kids from Brooklyn, NYC...
L. Legregin SBN and Kwan Jang Nim
Roberto Bonefont, Sr. KBN, and Kwan Jang Nim


Mr. and Mrs. Rich Blake KBN


left side: Mr. Mrs Joey and Kathy Poppo SBNs Right: Mr and Mrs Cort and Mary Kay Stinehour SBNs
John Juliano SBN and Yeon Seo SBN


Left to right: Steven White SBN, Eric Orella SBN, Paul Del Sordo SBN, Mr. Scott Leonard, Mrs. Legregin, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Godlesky and Domenica Godlesky.


Mr. Dave Godlesky and Lynda Chu SBN


Left to right: Standing - Bonefont KBN, Blake KBN, M. Stinehour SBN, J. Kim SBN, Mr. S. Leonard, D. Mullin SBN, Seated: L. Chu SBN, C. Stinehour SBN, Graham KBN. "On Line Warriors"


Kwan Jang Nim and Denise Mullin SBN


l to r: Chu SBN and Stinehour SBN sharing a very happy moment.


Pictured standing John Kim SBN and seated R. Blake KBN


Pictured Orella SBN, partial Steven White SBN and Del Sordo SBN.


Pictured C. Stinehour SBN and Graham KBN


l to r: D. Mullin SBN, M. Stinehour SBN, K. Poppo SBN, Mrs. Blake, R. Blake KBN.


l to r: My hand, D. Mullin SBN using the force, "I'm not the KDJ you're looking for", F. Bonsignore SBN, M. Stinehour SBN, back to camera, J. Poppo SBN


l to r: Dr. John (he can fix it) Juliano SBN, Kathy (Yes, Chef) Poppo SBN, and Joey (I am the law!) Poppo SBN


l to r: John (Navy did win!) Juliano SBN, standing - D. Mullin SBN, laughing Kathy Poppo SBN.


The guests being forced to smile.


You know these guys.


These too.


Shot blocked.


L to r: Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Blake


Ok and this is everyone, except the three ladies taking the pictures, and Orella SBN hiding behind J. Juliano SBN


C. Stinehour SBN feeling really happy to be there!

Someone removed the candle before I could take the picture.

Needless to say, when you connect with your extended Moo Do family, it's a feeling of unity, togetherness, and lifelong friendships.  The goal of the gathering was to honor and celebrate the Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang's 75th Birthday, and we did that in a free and welcoming spirit.  We are all very grateful to have Kwan Jang Nim in our Region, and be able to see him often at the Springfield HQ dojang.  We are very lucky and we never take his presence with us and with the whole World Moo Duk Kwan family, for granted.  This small gathering allows us to show how really grateful we are to have such a influencing presence as we gathered in fellowship and on this Sunday morning.  I listened carefully to John Kim Sa bom Nim, who came over to the head table and shared how Kwan Jang Nim has changed his life and the lives of his children, all of whom have Dan Bons.  Kim Sa bom Nim expressed how proud he is of his children on achieving those goals.  Proud, because it has changed their lives too.  As it has changed all of our lives.  Take a moment to reflect on how it has changed your life through the training and philosophy of the art and the Moo Duk Kwan.  The Kwan Jang Nim thought he was coming to lunch with some friends, instead his local Moo Do Family surprised him, and it made him smile.  He was filled with joy and happiness.  And that, made us smile too.  SOO BAHK!

Respectfully submitted,

Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Kyo Bom, #13927

Region 2

NOTE: If you wish to leave a comment on how the MDK, the Founder, Kwan Jang Nim, the WMDK Leadership, or your Instructor changed your life.  Leave us a comment and I will ensure our Kwan Jang Nim sees them.  In Moo Do.  Stay safe and be well.


  • Roberto Bonefont

    Began training in 1967 at the age of 16, as a member of the Brooklyn Highland Park Y.M.C.A., under the guidance and training of Mr. Mike Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180, and tested for Cho Dan on June 18, 1969.  Now a certified 4th Dan Ko Dan Ja, and was issued his original testing date Dan Bon 13927 by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang based on his petition to honor that date and evidence showing Mr. Mike Masley and his instructors,  Mr. Robert Sohn, Dan Bon 6037 and Mr. Vincent Nunno, Dan Bon 7291, were legitimate representatives of the Founder, and Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association in 1969.

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