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World Moo Duk Kwan Leaders Unite in Korea 2015
Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang said ' It was an busy 10 days with the Korea KDJ, Symposium, 70th Celebration, and training at the HQs Do Jang in Seoul, I received plenty positive feed back from the other martial arts who saw our demonstrations.'
Soo Bahk Do Demonstration in Mendoza, Argentina
Korean Wish -50th anniversary of Korean Culture in Argentina
The Argentinian Soo Bahk Do of Mendoza, under Sa bom Nim F. Blotta, along with his students participated in a Korean Cultural event in Mendoza celebrating the 50th anniversary of Korean Culture in Argentina.
Designee SEALS 2018 Invitation
Later this year, we have a Moo Duk Kwan® event here in Melbourne Australia. It is the South East Asian Leadership Seminar (SEALS) , and you and all of your Moo Duk Kwan® members are invited to attend.
Celebrating the 41st Anniversary of the Charter Convention
The convention was presided over by Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee, and many members of the organizing committees who had led this initiative in 1974, during a pre-convention meeting in Burlington, New Jersey.
The founder at the 1975 US Charter convention in NYC.