USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2013 Huge Success...

group shot at kdj shim sa 2013





1466122_640624669322135_1065189151_nAs this week draws to an end, the USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa is beginning to wrap up in Ramona, California.  For several years now, the USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa has taken place in the beautiful rolling hills of Ramona.  Camp Oakridge is indeed a beautiful setting for all the candidates, visitors and participants in the Moment with The Masters event.  This year, the weather was perfect for outdoor training and a beautiful nature walk around the campsite.

A very large contingent of participants have descended on Ramona to bring members from all of the USA and the World to share great training under some of the best practitioners in the Moo Duk Kwan from the United States.  A large group of Chil Dan, Yuk Dan and O Dan candidates this year, which increased the dynamics of training with such a wide range of experience.  Not to mention the fact that our Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, along with Hanke, Sa bom Nim, Mason(s) Sa Bom Nims, and Ramiro Guzman, Sa bom Nim, were all there to support the candidates and visitors during the MWM events.  Of course, the Shim Sa is basically organized and run by the USA TAC, and congratulations to them for their efforts in keeping the tradition at Ramona going strong.  A wonderful opportunity to CONNECT!

Below are some photos from the Shim Sa and MWM that were posted on Facebook, thanks to everyone who posted these so they can be shared with the rest of the World Moo Duk Kwan®.  Congratulations to all the candidates and supporting visiting Ko Dan Ja!  A special thanks to all the SAC,  Hu Kyun In, and Charter Members that were in attendance to support the Shim Sa and the MWM events.   Our special thanks and gratitude to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang for his continued example of Moo Do Ja Seh, and for sharing his knowledge of this living art.  SOO BAHK!

Here are some comments about the Shim Sa:

Zdenko Beg I can just of good friends getting up together early for morning lungs clearing, followed by delicious breakfast, then calisthenics then lunch ...then some rest and so on and on....what a life
You guys look great
Cort Lee Stinehour We are all very fortunate to have these experiences in our lives! I truly wish every one could be here with us. This has by far been the best level of training we have had! I'm already making my plans for next year. I hope there will be even more of us here to share it!!
If you wish to send spirit messages, you have one more day...TODAY!!!!  Visit or Join the Cyberdojang and add your spirit messages today.
Here is a belated message from the Designee from Puerto Rico:
Favor de enviar este mensaje, a nuestros hermanos y hermanas del Ko Dan Ja.
Saludos a Todos,
El Ko Dan Ja, es una experiencia, bien importante, para el desarrollo de todos nosotros en el arte.
Mucho son los retos, que suceden, pero el trabajo en equipo permite que todos se ayuden los unos a los otros.
Es una gran experiencia, tener la oportunidad de recibir la enseñanzas, y aceptar realizar los cambios.
Somos una sola familia Moo Duk Kwan!
Mucho exito a todos!

Desde Puerto Rico,

Oscar Rosado
Roberto Bonefont, Sr.
Region 2, USA
World Moo Duk Kwan®


  • Roberto Bonefont

    Began training in 1967 at the age of 16, as a member of the Brooklyn Highland Park Y.M.C.A., under the guidance and training of Mr. Mike Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180, and tested for Cho Dan on June 18, 1969.  Now a certified 4th Dan Ko Dan Ja, and was issued his original testing date Dan Bon 13927 by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang based on his petition to honor that date and evidence showing Mr. Mike Masley and his instructors,  Mr. Robert Sohn, Dan Bon 6037 and Mr. Vincent Nunno, Dan Bon 7291, were legitimate representatives of the Founder, and Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association in 1969.

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