Ko Dan Ja week in Korea starts today! Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and the senior leadership, will preside over the training and evaluation of the candidates traveling and representing 10 countries from the World Moo Duk Kwan, including WMDK Youth Leaders participating in their World Symposium.
Congratulations to all the invited and eligible candidates and visitors, including the WMDK TAC members in attendance.
To all in Attendance: May you have an enjoyable experience, while you sharpen your skills to a higher level in a true Moo Do presence. You have already mastered physical, mental and spiritual levels in your individual Moo Do paths. Strive to increase your Moo Shim Gung to a higher awareness through your training during your weeklong evaluations and daily training.
Below are the current attendees and candidates, please show your support during their training phases.
Respectfully Submitted,
Roberto Bonefont, Sr., #13927