Swiss Youth Leader Shares his Experience in Korea
A Member of the Swiss Federation had the pleasure to participate at the first Youth Leadership Symposium in Korea (Sandro Mero JKN).
The Symposium was held during the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa in October. The whole week was an excellent event. Being able to meet new people, making new Friends and strengthen the friendships already existing was a big part of it. Thanks to the big diversion of heritage and culture it was a rich experience of understanding the world a little better. Thanks to the same objective we could form a bond like brothers and sisters.
We were able to start some projects and already finalize one (the video released on the 9th November) to reach our goals as the Youth Leaders which are: The search of our identity and the promotion of our art world wide.
I’m really looking forward to work with all the fellow youth leaders in the future and strive to successfully reach our goals.
In Moo Duk Kwan
Sandro Mero, Dan Bon 46079