March 2017

Dear World Moo Duk Kwan Designees and Moo Duk Kwan Seniors
I trust this communication finds you all in great health and fine spirits.
We have recently received some wonderful news from Kwan Jang Nim and the Greece Moo Duk Kwan Federation confirming the proposed dates for the 2017 World Moo Duk Kwan symposium.
The Symposium will be held in Glyfada (Athens) the dates - Nov. 29 to 2 Dec. 2017
Firstly, a special thank you to Greece and the Officially signed MDK European nations for maintaining the symposium concept. We are able to have these events due to the generosity of our Kwan Jang Nim and seniors like Seiberlich SBN who has gracefully supported the art and its presentation to the world for decades.
This event is an important time to show connection, companionship and forward planning. It is time to enjoy the art with other dedicated seniors, and receive teachings directly from Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, so the wider membership in our own countries can benefit.
As in previous symposia, the Host Nation will assist one person from each country (the Designee or their appointee) for the time inclusive within the symposium dates for food and accommodations. Should other seniors from your countries want to attend they are welcome to do so, at their own expense.
The Greek Federation has been asked to establish a contact person and it is - Greek Chairman Mr Angelos Pitsikalis .
Soon he will provide a contact for all of the questions that will come from time to time. But most of these can be answered via the Face Book page.
The Face Book page has been established and you are all urged to connect, share and support each other on their Moo Duk Kwan path for oneness at the event. Please post positive support messages and if there are any challenges ,please write to me and I will do my best to find a way forward.
Soon we will send a ‘running sheet’ with names, Dan Bon, instructor, Rank, arrival time and departure time to assist the host country with their planning. Additionally, you will be asked for input to the agenda items for the symposium, so please ask your membership and prepare these by end of April 2017.
If you are not the designee, please ensure your countries designee is aware of this meeting, and send me their email address. If for any reason the designee can not make this historic event it is their duty to provide another in their place to ensure their country and all its members is represented at this round table event.
So do join us for a World Moo Duk Kwan experience. See some wonderful human history from the Greek civilization and early European MDK history as Kwan Jang Nim will show us the locations of where he started a Do Jang in Athens many years ago. It will be a wonderful page in your personal history book.
Respectfully yours in the Moo Duk Kwan
Kriton Glenn
2016 - World Moo Duk Kwan Symposium Chairman