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Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Country Historical: Panama
75th World Moo Duk Kwan Anniversary 6 Nov - 9 Nov 2020 Virtual Event
This entry is part 38 of 50 in the series Moo Duk Kwan 75th AnniversaryMoo Duk Kwan 75th…
70th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan Nov 9 2015
70 Years of Moo Do Excellence
There were hundreds of photos taken during the celebration and the 2015 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa. We will let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy. Special Thank you to all the participants who posted photos on Facebook, those photos are shown here. Congratulations Moo Duk Kwan on 70 years of Moo Do Excellence.
75TH Anniversary Interview With Cort Stinehour Sa Bom Nim, (33190) USA TAC
This entry is part 18 of 50 in the series Moo Duk Kwan 75th AnniversaryMoo Duk Kwan 75th…
Feliz Ano Nuevo/Happy New Year from Soo Bahk Do Buenos Aires Argentina
Author Roberto Bonefont Began training in 1967 at the age of 16, as a member of the Brooklyn…