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Instructor Certification
6 posts
Instructor Certification
Dan Training and Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa Seminar European SBD MDK Federation
Dan training, Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa seminar, Switzerland, Wald August 25-27th Welcome to every Dans, instructors and future instructors! Registration and contact on the poster. Respectfully submitted, for the European Soo Bahk Do Federation Roberto Bonefont, Sr. WMDK Contributor (more…)… Read more “Dan Training and Jo Kyo and Kyo Sa Seminar European SBD MDK Federation”
USA World Moo Duk Kwan Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa begins this week in Orlando, Florida for 2021 and 2020 Candidates
Soo Bahk Do and Moo Duk Kwan are registered trademarks ®
This upcoming event this week, will be the first time that two years of invited Candidates will participate in the unique week long evaluation on grades for Sa Dan, O Dan, Yuk Dan, Chil Dan and above. This year, the event will take place in Region 4 of the (more…)… Read more “USA World Moo Duk Kwan Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa begins this week in Orlando, Florida for 2021 and 2020 Candidates
Soo Bahk Do and Moo Duk Kwan are registered trademarks ®”
Soo Bahk Do and Moo Duk Kwan are registered trademarks ®”
Kyo Bom Certification Program Launch
Master George Broyles has scheduled a Growth teleconference for January 27th at 8:00 PM EST during which Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays will be launching the new Kyo Bom Certification Program.
USA Region 2 Launches Leadership Initiative ALPHA
USA Launches Regional Alpha Team Initiative
R2 ALPHA Team members will be provided with opportunities to train quarterly with R2 Senior Ko Dan Ja in special high level training sessions. During these advanced learning sessions, Senior Ko Dan Ja will share valuable personal training experiences, teaching methodology and other information geared for high achievers.

USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2013 Huge Success...
WORLD MOO DUK KWAN® PRESIDENT, KWAN JANG NIM H.C. HWANG ADDRESSING THE CANDIDATES AND VISITORS AT THE 2013 USA KO DAN JA SHIM SA IN RAMONA, CALIFORNIA (PHOTO COURTESY OF FACEBOOK) As this week draws to an end, the USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa is beginning to wrap up (more…)… Read more “USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2013 Huge Success...”