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Youth Leadership in Argentina/ Lideres en Moo Duk Kwan

El programa jóvenes lideres es una iniciativa de nuestro KJN H.C. Hwang con el objetivo de promover  las relaciones humanas entre los miembros de la escuela y la comunidad. The youth leadership program is another initiative to move forward the human relations within the membership of the school and community. [caption id="attachment_7150" align="alignnone" width="1024"]Teaching Kids in Buenos Aires, Argentina Teaching Kids in Buenos Aires, Argentina[/caption]

Argentina 2014 Promo Video and Historical Article from Accion Marcial Magazine

  HISTORIA: MAESTRO GUSTAVO POLETTI: EL PADRE DEL TANG SU DO EN ARGENTINA Junto al Maestro Roberto Villalba, de la mano del instructor Ted Mason, introdujeron en 1974 el Tang Su Do en Argentina. El Maestro Poletti, de amplia trayectoria en TaeKwonDo, hoy vive en Estados Unidos y es un (more…)Read more “Argentina 2014 Promo Video and Historical Article from Accion Marcial Magazine”
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The Fire
By Phil Duncan

What is it about a fire that draws us to it almost instinctively? We may not even be cold, yet we can't resist "backing up" to a nice warm fire. Is it just coincidence that we are so predictable when we are near one or could it be that we have an inborn sense that draws us to it? It seems that almost everyone is attracted to and responds the same way to a well tended and controlled fire. Perhaps this offers a unique insight into one aspect of our art