Starts Tomorrow!  Send your Spirit messages to sbdspiritmessages@gmail.com

KDJSS Candidates  for 2019

Please send your words of encouragement to the following KDJ candidates who will be testing in Midway, Utah November 8th - 15th @sbdspiritmessages@gmail.com:

Region 1:
R. Olmedo SBN
Kyo Sa J. Kwo

Region 2:
L. Chu SBN
Master R. Blake
Master E. Scott
Master MK Stinehour
Kyo Sa P. O'Leary
Kyo Sa A. Zazzarino
Kyo Sa E. Helgesen

Region 4:
KV Pratap SBN
G. Broyles KBN
Jo Kyo C. Clasen

Region 5:
M. Zickafoose SBN
Master J. Johnson
Jo Kyo M. Griffin
Kyo Sa S. Johnson

Region 6:
E. Horni SBN
J. Willers SBN
Jo Kyo J. Cohen
Jo Kyo R. Lupone

Region 7:
S. Cullen SBN
Jo Kyo D. Grilz
Jo Kyo P. Johnson
Jo Kyo A. Casselton

Region 8:
B. Corrales SBN
L. McDermond SBN
N. Tai SBN

Region 9:
J. Duncan SBN
M. Shields SBN
G. Gavit SBN
J. Sevel SBN
L. Falwell SBN
D. Kitchen SBN
Master F. Echols
Mr. H. Chendana
Kyo Sa J. Vodden

Follow on the official Facebook website:  https://www.facebook.com/moodukkwankodanja/

KDJSS Schedule 2019




  • Roberto Bonefont

    Began training in 1967 at the age of 16, as a member of the Brooklyn Highland Park Y.M.C.A., under the guidance and training of Mr. Mike Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180, and tested for Cho Dan on June 18, 1969.  Now a certified 4th Dan Ko Dan Ja, and was issued his original testing date Dan Bon 13927 by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang based on his petition to honor that date and evidence showing Mr. Mike Masley and his instructors,  Mr. Robert Sohn, Dan Bon 6037 and Mr. Vincent Nunno, Dan Bon 7291, were legitimate representatives of the Founder, and Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association in 1969.

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