Second Virtual Seminar Zone 4, Yeon Kwan Seong, All Ranks, Sponsored by WMDK Mexico
Soo Bahk Do and Moo Duk Kwan are registered trademarks ®

Segundo Seminario Virtual Zona 4, clases impartidas por los Designados y TAC Nacionales. 23 de Octubre a las 14:00 hrs horario de la zona Central de México y 16 horas Argentina. Informes con tu instructor o por Inbox. Soo Bahk!!

Second Virtual Seminar Zone 4, classes given by Designated and National TACs. October 23 at 2:00 p.m. Central Mexico time and 4:00 p.m.
Argentina. Information available with your instructor or by Inbox.

Soo Bahk !!

May be an image of text that says 'SEGUNDO SEMINARIO VIRTUAL ZONA DUKKWA Yeon Kwan Seong ZONE 4 MEXICO ARGENTINA PUERTO RICO BRASIL COSTA RICA CHILE URUGUAY PANAMA Conexión Clases impartidas por Designados y TAC Nacionales MOO DUK Sábado 23 de Octubre WORLD iff KANH ZONA via Zoom Todas las Graduaciones Para más información comuniquese con su Instructor 14 hs México 16 hs Argentina'


  • Roberto Bonefont

    Began training in 1967 at the age of 16, as a member of the Brooklyn Highland Park Y.M.C.A., under the guidance and training of Mr. Mike Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180, and tested for Cho Dan on June 18, 1969.  Now a certified 4th Dan Ko Dan Ja, and was issued his original testing date Dan Bon 13927 by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang based on his petition to honor that date and evidence showing Mr. Mike Masley and his instructors,  Mr. Robert Sohn, Dan Bon 6037 and Mr. Vincent Nunno, Dan Bon 7291, were legitimate representatives of the Founder, and Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association in 1969.

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