Moo Duk Kwan Invitational Tournament
Wasatch Martial Arts hosts its Annual invitational tournament on March 25-26, 2022 and the first ever Moo Duk Kwan® invitational, open to all Moo Duk Kwan practitioners and those with Moo Duk Kwan heritage. This traditional, light-contact tournament will have forms, sparring, and breaking competitions for Gups and Dans. The seminars will be taught by well known masters of the World Moo Duk Kwan®.
Steven Diaz, SBN, from Region 4 Daymon Kenyon, SBN, from Region 9 Cort Stinehour, SBN from Region 2
Sue Fittanto, SBN from Region 8 Brian Corrales, SBN, Region 10
In attendance, photo below, World (TAC) Technical Advisory Member,
Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim (CA) with United States TAC members:
Cort Lee Stinehour SBN, Frank Tsai SBN (NY both WMDK Heritage Program Liaisons), and Brian Corrales, SBN (UT)
This year’s event will celebrate the shared Moo Duk Kwan heritage of all participants and competitors, including:
Seminars to prepare for the competition (participants and judges)
Heritage Seminar to celebrate our Moo Duk Kwan roots.
Celebration Banquet with a keynote address on Moo Duk Kwan history.
The World Moo Duk Kwan® Heritage Program is an educational outreach program created by the World Moo Duk Kwan for the purpose of sharing and strengthening the legacy of Grandmaster Hwang Kee. One core program goal is connecting Moo Duk Kwan® Alumni who are training in Soo Bahk Do®, Tang Soo Do, and Tae Kwon Do and bringing those practitioners together across styles and organizations to participate in educational opportunities, training opportunities and events.
This past weekend, March 26th, 2022, Region 8, Wasatch Martial Arts Academy, and hosted by Brian Corrales, Sa bom Nim, USA TAC member, put on the Wasatch Moo Duk Kwan Invitational Competition, with members of the WMDK Heritage Program attending. Heritage members from as far away as New York, and California, attended the event in Utah. WMDK Ko dan Ja from as far away as New York, California, Louisiana, and Texas also attended. Close to 100 in attendance. The experience, as you can see from the photos below, displayed a unique connection between Tang Soo Do and Soo Bahk Do practitioners. The basic goal of the WMDK Heritage membership Program. Congratulations to all who took the time to travel long distances to participate in this Wasatch Moo Duk Kwan Invitational. And thanks to all the leadership in attendance, and the members of the Wasatch Martial Arts Academy from Salt Lake City, Utah. One Moo Duk Kwan!

If you have other photos or wish to write comments concerning the Invitational, you can contact me at or use the comment section below.
Thank you.