70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Fundraiser

70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Side 1
Roberto Bonefont And HC Hwang
Master Roberto Bonefont and HC Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim

In support of the 2012 Region 2 Fundraising goals, Master Roberto Bonefont has personally sponsored a fundraising initiative with all proceeds going toward Region 2 fundraising goals.

He has designed a one-of-a-kind, 70th Anniversary Challenge Chip (shown below) featuring the World Moo Duk Kwan emblem and the image of our Founder Kee Hwang and his successor, H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim.

Around the edge of the Challenge Chip is an image of the Ko Dan Ja belt and the Anniversary dates "1945-2015" as a momento of the Guardian 2 Event scheduled on December 8th, 2012 at our National Headquarters, in Springfield, NJ.

70th Anniversary Challenge Chip are available as tokens of appreciation for your generous donations to help meet Region 2's 2012 Fundraising goals. One chip for a $5.00 donation, 6 chips for a $25.00 donation and 25 chips for a $100.00 donation.

Supplies are limited and only about 150 Challenge Chips will be available at the Guardians 2 Event on Dec 8th unless the supply has all been distributed beforehand.

70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Side 1
70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Side 1
70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Side 2
70th Anniversary Challenge Chip Side 2

All proceeds will go directly to the Region 2 Fund and you can monitor Region 2 fundraising progress in near real-time on the Foundation website here:


Master Bonefont suggests that Studio Owners might even consider repurposing 70th Anniversary Challenge Chips as incentive or rewards for students. For example; award a 70th Anniversary Challenge Chip to a student who has increased their ability to improve their Humility or Courage during a month of training. Or award a 70th Anniversary Challenge Chip to an outstanding student who has contributed to the overall improvement of the dojang, or award one to the student who has recruited the most students in a quarter, the student with best attendance. Most IMPROVED STUDENT, Most OUTSTANDING STUDENT, MOST IMPROVED ACADEMICS, etc.

You get the idea...THIS IS JUST ONE ... of many fundraisers coming your way in Region 2. You can read about other fundraising ideas or submit your fundraising idea here:


Master Bonefont humbly asks for your donations to help defend our unique identity as Moo Duk Kwan practitioners.

Your strong support is crucial to preserving our unique art of Soo Bahk Do.

Your registration and participation in the Guardians 2 Seminars on Dec 1st will also help accomplish Region 2 Goals and Master Bonefont will be in attendance with 70th Anniversary Challenge Chips available for generous donors.

To get your "Challenge Chip(s)" register to attend today!





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U.S. Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Starts Today! Let's Support our Candidates!!

The United States Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa ( www.kdjss.soobahkdo.org )is being held in Ramona, CA from Friday, November 13th through Friday, November 20th!

Please send your words of encouragement for our fellow US KDJSS candidates to: sbdspiritmessages@gmail.com Your messages will then be sent on to the candidates! You can also post your message directly on the KDJSS website here. Also on Facebook here. Let's join together to share the Moo Duk Kwan spirit both nationally and internationally! Soo Bahk!
