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Moo Yei Shi Bo

20 posts
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Heritage Program: Finding a home in the martial arts

안녕하십니까 [Hello] My name is Su-Pyo Einsiedler née Lee.  I was born in Seoul, Korea in 1976 and grew up as a common Korean woman. My parents taught me and my younger sister to be kind, polite, obedient, and intelligent to be a good mother and wife in the future. (more…)Read more “Heritage Program: Finding a home in the martial arts”

The philosophical implications of history
Moo Yei Shi Bo: Volume 17 – Philosophy

The Founder placed history as the first element of the Moo Do values. It is strategically placed to emphasize all past experiences as a path to understanding the present time. The word for history in Korean is “Yuk Sa” which literally means “experience and record”. There are four components to (more…)Read more “The philosophical implications of history
Moo Yei Shi Bo: Volume 17 – Philosophy
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Relaunch of Moo Yei Shi Bo
Volume 9, May 2021

H. C. Hwang, Sa Bom Moo Duk Kwan, Kwang Jang Subscribe WMDK Text Msgs Your Name Your Mobile Groups Select a group Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil Chile Costa Rica France Germany Greece Iceland Iran Ireland Israel Italy Korea Malaysia Mexico My Country Is Not Listed Netherlands Panama Philippines Puerto Rico (more…)Read more “Relaunch of Moo Yei Shi Bo
Volume 9, May 2021