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Soo Bahk Do Institute

8 posts

Soo Bahk Do Institute

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World Moo Duk Kwan Proudly Remembers Kendall Jenkins, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon #14219

From Region 5 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan February 27 at 12:35 PM ·  Sad news to report. This was sent by Sa Bom Nim Kendall Jenkins’ daughter 2 days ago:Hello Family and Friends. I felt that it was time to let you all know the journey my dad is currently (more…)Read more “World Moo Duk Kwan Proudly Remembers Kendall Jenkins, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon #14219”
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The Soo Bahk Do Institute Fast Forwards And Rewinds Videos

Did you know that the Soo Bahk Do® Institute allows you to watch all videos in slow motion (1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 speeds) so you can see exactly how a technique is performed? Did you know that you can also fast forward (2X, 4X and 8X speed) to get through (more…)Read more “The Soo Bahk Do Institute Fast Forwards And Rewinds Videos”

Argentina 2014 Promo Video and Historical Article from Accion Marcial Magazine

  HISTORIA: MAESTRO GUSTAVO POLETTI: EL PADRE DEL TANG SU DO EN ARGENTINA Junto al Maestro Roberto Villalba, de la mano del instructor Ted Mason, introdujeron en 1974 el Tang Su Do en Argentina. El Maestro Poletti, de amplia trayectoria en TaeKwonDo, hoy vive en Estados Unidos y es un (more…)Read more “Argentina 2014 Promo Video and Historical Article from Accion Marcial Magazine”
Larry Seiberlich Dan Bon 1815
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Soo Bahk Do Institute Provides Opportunity To Hone Highly Developed Skills

The Soo Bahk Do Institute provides video instruction with significant importance for the senior, high ranking, martial artist. As we become more skilled in any activity, we realize that all of the techniques and exercises are essentially the same – they only appear different to the novice. At our level, we train to integrate (more…)Read more “Soo Bahk Do Institute Provides Opportunity To Hone Highly Developed Skills”