We only learned recently that we lost another Moo Do In, William A. Weber, Yuk Dan, Dan Bon #23641, (9/9/1964 - 02/2022), normally seen at the Springfield HQ in recent years, passed away. Bill Weber SBN, as he was known, was a person of character, a quiet demeanor, but a very spirited warrior of our World Moo Duk Kwan. The photo below you can see Bill Weber, SBN, fourth from your right, pictured here at HQ, in 2005, during the then, regularly scheduled Tuesday morning Ko Dan Ja classes. Born on Sept 9, 1954, Sa Bom Nim Weber would have been 68 this coming September. His instructor was H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim.
The above video was extracted from the original 50th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan, in 1995, in Seoul, South Korea. Dan Segarra, Sa Bom nim, and Bill Weber, Sa Bom nim, performed a variation of Chil Sung Hyung Yang Pyung, created by the Founder, Kee Hwang.
Photo by Ed Frampton, Sa Bom Nim

Photo by Frank Bonsignore Sa Bom Nim
Photo by Alan Capanigro Sa Bom Nim
Go to the link above to see a tribute to William Weber Sa Bom nim, by a close friend, Dan Segarra, Sa bom Nim.

As a Region 2 member, he supported the region during Dan Shim Sa held in the Region, including Gup Shim Sa testing at the Springfield Do Jang, as well as National and Regional Events.
Bill Weber SBN attending class at MDK HQ. sitting first from your right.
photo credit unknown above.
Bill Weber SBN (standing in the center) supporting the 70th Birthday event for Frank Bonsignore SBN
My thoughts and prayers are with Sa Bom Nim Webers family.